G.Dumpit's 1999 Yamaha V-Star 1100 Custom

Reaper Jr.

Page was created: 12.27.03
last updated: 12.27.03

Here's the Diamond Cut heads. I had it done though Iron Horse Trading www.ironhorsetrading.com
Tell Matt that George Dumpit with Reaper Jr. sent ya.

I was going to have the engine power coated black, but because of time and money decided to leave them the factory cast color. The contrast of the diamond cut would have been more pronounced, but I'm still very happy with the results. If you're doing engine internals, then that is the time to have the process done. My bike was in for warranty work, so I took advantage of the "free" labor since they had to take half of the engine a part any ways. Yes, I went ahead and had them do extra internal work also, but that will be detailed on another web page.


Back from the diamond cutting process

Heads being assembled
